Much is expected! Children are no exception. Caleb decided to make a decision, all on his own to follow and obey Jesus on Sunday. He had been mentioning how much he loves God, wanted to watch a preacher on tv, and has been asking some questions lately so after the third time of saying, "Mommy, I really love God" on Sunday I decided to pry a little further. When I asked him if he knows what it means to love God he replied, "It means to trust Him". I told him that Jesus tells us it also means to obey Him at which Caleb jumps up and very excitedly proclaims, "I love God!, I love Jesus!, and I love everybody!, I want to obey God, I want to obey Jesus!" His enthusiasm elicited such joy from me that tears formed in my eyes and I immediately felt the sweet presence of Jesus. I knew his expression was genuine and that the Holy Spirit had been at work in our 5 year old son. We talked some more and when I asked Caleb what Jesus did for us he very clearly told me that Jesus made a choice to die on the cross, was buried in a grave but didn't stay dead and then he jumps up and with a huge smile said, "And He lives in my heart. I can talk to Him without even moving my lips, see...I just said something to Him and you didn't hear it"
He then told me that when we get to Heaven nobody will die anymore because there are no bad guys. I asked him if he knew why there were no bad guys and then told him it was because there is no sin in Heaven. After explaining that sin is a choice that hurts God, hurts ourselves, or hurts other people he seemed satisfied with the explanation and said that when he does bad choices, he tells God he is sorry.
I am so proud of my son and so elated that he seems to have a good understanding of the faith our family has held to and at the same time I feel a heavy weight to "feed" my son's new faith in a way he can understand. It feels like a delicate flower that bruises easy and needs just the right amount of sunlight, water, and soil to fulfill it's purpose. I can already notice a small difference in my son's behavior. When I told him to pick up 10 things in his room last night he came out all excited and told me he picked up 19 things instead. He came back out a minute or two later and said excitedly that he picked up another 20 things. He then said, " I disobeyed you mommy but I picked up more than what you asked" When I explained to him that he didn't disobey me; that he did pick up 10 things but picked up more and that was a good thing. He said "Oh, well God told me to do it" I couldn't help but put Grace in the jumper and get in there with him and help him finish.
I am a bit ashamed to admit that we don't go to church as much as I would like to since we have moved into the apartment. When we miss it, we stay home and watch it on tv instead through the PS3. I don't have formal Bible studies and we don't formally pray together everyday except over dinner. That prayer is simply, "Thank you Jesus for our food and our lives brand new too". Our lives are, however; guided by God's principles. My son has heard me cry out to God to help me be strong and gentle. He has heard me pray out loud for him while driving him to school, praying with him if he has a bad dream and he has heard me tell him every time it rains, that God is cleaning the earth and providing for all His creation. He sees me read my Bible or sees my Bible laying out when he wakes up in the morning and random truths that pop up throughout the day. I have no doubt that God, through His Holy Spirit has begun a work in my son and will see it through despite my shortcomings.
To whom much is given, much is expected!
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